Expander Therapy

Expander Therapy

(972) 709-4867

State-of-the-Art Expander Therapy Solutions in Southern Dallas, TX

Expanding the Way You See Dental Care

Many patients have malocclusion problems that can cause the upper and lower jaw to be misaligned. This can create problems with eating, talking and smiling. For this reason expander therapy is crucial and is often a part of more advanced work needing to be done.

Expander Therapy Dallas, TX

What Is Expander Therapy?

Expander therapy involves the use of a palatal expander that is placed onto the top palate. This forces the teeth to push out and expands the palate so that the upper and lower jaw bite done properly. This makes it more comfortable for the patient involved, but it is also part of more advanced needing to be done.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Expander Therapy?

A dental exam as well as series of x-rays will be needed before it is determine that you need expander therapy, however, some of the most common reasons you’ll need this type of procedure include:

Your top and bottom teeth do not bite down in occlusion.

You have issues biting, chewing or smiling.

You have alignment problems that need correcting.

What to Expect With the Therapy

Having expander therapy done is relatively easy and straightforward. First, you will have impressions done as well as a series of x-rays. Once this has been done, you will be fitted for an expander that will need to be adjusted regularly to ensure that you are receiving the treatment appropriately.

If you are in need of expander therapy, contact Dr. Stafford and her team today and one of our helpful staff members will be happy to assist you.

Do you still have questions about expander therapy? Not sure if it's right for you? Give us a call at(972) 709-4867 and one of our staff members would be more than happy to speak with you.

Request an Appointment

Looking to book an appointment? Give us a call at (972) 709-4867 or click the button below to contact us online.

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